
Descendants of Joseph & Pelagia Napruszewski

Welcome to the Napruszewski Family Web Page. Please take some time to browse your family tree. Be sure to check out the scrapbooks and notes. They are full of pictures and other interesting tidbits. See how you are related to everyone, some of you may be as surprised as I was.

Please let me know if any information is incorrect. I will change the information as soon as I can. Please keep me up to date on any family changes. If you have any other pictures or whatever please send to me and I will post it here.

If there is any interest I could setup here a list of everybody's address, telephone and e-mail. This way anybody that needed to get in touch with someone from the family could look here for the latest information. Let me know what you think.

The majority of items here are courtesy of Shirley Napruszewski. A Special Thank You for saving everything.

Table of Contents

The Children of Joseph & Pelagia

Bottom Row: Stanley - Al - Tony

Middle Row: Emily - Helen - Alyce - Josephine - Casey

Top Row: Ted


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