The Aquarium
When I first got to the aquarium, I turned around and took this picture of the great view. Apparently, so did everyone else because we all seem to have a picture like this. But, I saw other things on the way to the aquarium. Like Copp's Hill Cemetery.
Interesting huh? and below this picture, is a picture of a creepy tree that was there. I don't know why it was creepy. Imposing I guess.
Finally, the aquarium was in sight. It was a long brisk walk and we were all really cold and SO happy that we were going to be able to go inside of somewhere and get warm. What a relief.
Isn't it cool? It looks like it's made out of ice and was rising right out of the snow.
The Imax building was way cooler though. You can't really tell here, but that thing is HUGE. It's like it's own little iceberg. I would be coming back to this Imax later to see "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones" on the big big screen. It was awesome, I tell you, awesome. So anyways, the inside of the aquarium was boring...but somehow still cool. And of course, I have pictures.
Penguins. Lots of penguins.
I didn't know what these penguins were doing until after Jessica took the picture. It's a cute picture of me though.
*sexy* choir gals, lol.
An ACTUAL yellow submarine. You don't get any cooler than that. That is one of the best songs ever...we all saw, a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine...
bigger group picture where we were all participating in one of Mr. Thompson's
biggest pet peeves: sitting on each other's laps. He can't stand that :-D
Now, you might wonder how in the world I got trapped inside this bubble. Well, I'll tell you. We went to look around some more and we were downstairs looking through this exhibit when all the sudden I saw the little crawl space, so I crawled through, and they saw me in the bubble, and I saw them! I had Amanda take a picture. I hit my head on it a couple times, and had a bit of trouble crawling out, but it was really really cool. Sadly, our time at the aquarium, had then come to an end. Next we headed to The Prudential Tower.