The Napruszewski's

Jen and Ken

To go to the Napruszewski Family Tree Page click here.

To go to the Tepp Family Tree Page click here.

Well it's 2001 now and we are officially in a new Millennium now. I will, as always try to keep this site up to date as best as I can. If you are interested in seeing anything from last year's page click here. I will be adding new stuff at the bottom of the page. Check the last updated notice at the top of the page to see when I was able to work on it.  As always e-mail me and let me know what you think. It is always good to hear from anybody that is checking out the site. 

Even thought it is the new year I always seem to start with our Christmas Open House. It was again a wonderful occasion to see friends and family. This year it was held on a Saturday because the Packers did not cooperate with an open Sunday. Click here for some pictures.

We had over Jennifer with Tye and Abby to play in the snow. Don wasn't in town yet and missed out on a wonderful time. Tye loved the snow, Abby thought it was nice until she fell face first in the snow. Their Busia also was there and also had a great time until she fell into the snow, not face first though. Check out the pictures

Jenifer, Ashley and myself were invited to cousin Mary's house for dinner in Point at Christmas time. It was great to visit with her family. Sorry to say ,but stupid me did not bring the camera with, so I do not have any pictures of our time together. That was a shame because Gary would have taken some 'wonderful' shots. 

Christmas time at the Tepp's was wonderful. It was at Jeff and Marla's house this year in their newly remodeled basement. Jeff did the work himself and really out did himself. Everybody raved about it. Some pictures can be seen here

Next we drove back home to spend Christmas at Mom's house. Everybody was there and it was great to all together. Tye and Abby were a treat to watch open gifts. Tye wanted to help everyone and did. Mom and Nancy were sick but toughed it out to celebrate the day. Here are some pictures.

We had the family over again for Ashley's 14th birthday. She got wonderful birthday gifts from everyone. She also had Christmas again because she was not at our Christmas. Here are some pictures.

Our New Year's Eve celebration was not as big as last years but we did go the Globetrotters basketball game to make it special. Ashley brought her friend Sam. Sam's a girl for those who don't know, yes she is interest in boys but not ready to bring one with her parents around. They put on a great show and here are some pictures of it.

Hello again to everyone. Here I am again late as always. Oh well, that is the way it goes. 

To get you up to date. Ashley performed in her class play this spring. They did Your a Good Man Charlie Brown and she was one of the Wood stocks. She did a wonderful job even thou she no speaking lines. Amazing the she could keep quiet all that time. Here are some pictures.

My Mom, Shirley, had her 75TH Birthday on March 1st. She had a wonderful party with family and friends. Click here for some pictures from it.

Miller Park's open house was just this last weekend. Jen, Ashley, Nancy and myself went to it on Friday the 23rd when there was only 31,000 people there. The whole weekend total was more than 137,000. Unbelievable. The Park was great, can not wait for the season to begin. Here are some pictures from the open house. Some of the pictures probably won't mean much until you have been inside and know what the pictures is, but there are still some real nice ones. Also Ken was on TV. On the channel 4 special for one of the first looks at Miller Park. In the last 10 minutes they did a they on the Sausages and there is a shot of me by the Hot Dog. Of course I have to thank the Hot Dog for getting me on TV. Thanks to the Hot Dog which was our friend Kim from the Brewers. She is one of the Ball Girls and a part of the Super Team. Again she makes our experience special. Thanks Kim. Also there are some pictures of the Hot Dog to see from the Open House. Yes, that is just a costume.  Well until opening day or when I take more pictures.

We are now in June of the year. It doesn't feel like it weather wise but the calendar can not be wrong.  Well it is graduation time. We were just in Stevens Point for Raymond Tepp's graduation party from high school. Good job Ray. The party was wonderful, lots of people. Could have been warmer but that's summer in Wisconsin. Jeff and Marla can really put on a wonderful party. Also graduating from high school was Joe and Debbie's son Bryan. Also good job Bryan.

The day after Ray's party we had a get together at Mom and Tony's for Ashley's 8th grade graduation. Next year High School. I am not sure if Jen's going to survive that. Thanks to everybody for coming and being a part of Ashley's day. Click here to see some pictures.